Creepybits Managing and creator of Ethical AI images at instagram 6 min read

Potato queen

It has been said that in order to get the peasants and lower rank noblemen to eat the cheap and satiating #potato during the European famine in the later half of 1700's, Frederick The Great of Prussia had to trick them.

He played to the peasants’ sense of enterprise by cultivating a particular field in a secretive fashion, positioning his guards around it to make people think there was something desirable growing in that royal soil.

Something ripe for the pilfering.

Naturally, opportunists took their chance to rummage in the dirt, with Frederick no doubt smiling all the while at his own ingenuity.

I don't know the story behind the Potato Queen, but when creating these images I liked to pretend that Ms Potato would have pulled a Frederick to trick the North Americans to eat potatoes if they were alive around the Victorian era.

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